Monday, September 12, 2011


中秋。也沒怎麼慶祝。我問明天生日的小表弟有什麼節目麼?他回簡訊說:Well get yourself a cozy and long warm bath then Zzzzzz.


電腦螢幕有紐約時報新聞。Fuel leaking in Kenya.

電視上有Richie Havens. Joan Baez. The Who. John Sebastian. Janis Joplin. Jimi Hendrix.

Richie Havens開場有夠屌的。他甚至不用背帶,只用胳膊夾著吉他。我不確定他是不是完全用拇指來按弦的,只看到吉他上的pickguard花了,連六條弦以上的木板都花了。也不確定是被匹克或是他的大寶石戒指刮花的。Marching to the concord war!

中間的一場大雨過後也是很屌的,直升機從高空投下乾衣物,市政府派出了醫療部隊。當年那75位志願醫生大概也是某種狂熱分子吧。人們在湖裡洗澡並唱起"Row, Row, Row Your Boat"(Life is but a dream!);大叔在清理流動廁所;情侶在草叢裡做愛;臨盆的孕婦果真在營裡誕下了嬰孩。這孩子的記憶必定甜蜜激昂而錯綜複雜。

月圓時我完全被Joan Baez的歌聲鎮住了。那年那天他丈夫還在監獄裡。


Richie Havens - Opening Show @ Woodstock 1969
"Handsome Johny" + " Freedom"

Joan Baez @ Woodstock 1969
"Joe Hill" + "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot"

Joe Hill
Artist: Joan Baez
Written by: Alfred Hayes; Earl Robinson

I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night,
alive as you and me.
Says I "But Joe, you're ten years dead"
"I never died" said he,
"I never died" said he.

"The Copper Bosses killed you Joe,
they shot you Joe" they filled you full of lead.
"Takes more than guns to kill a man"
Says Joe "I didn't die"
Says Joe "I didn't die"

"In Salt Lake City, Joe," says I, 
Him standing by my bed, 
"They framed you on a murder charge," 
Says Joe, "But I ain't dead," 
Says Joe, "But I ain't dead." 

And standing there as big as life
and smiling with his eyes.
Says Joe "What they can never kill
went on to organize,
went on to organize"

From San Diego up to Maine,
in every mine and mill,
Where working men defend their rights,
it's there you'll find Joe Hill,
it's there you'll find Joe Hill!

I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night,
alive as you and me.
Says I "But Joe, you're ten years dead"
"I never died" said he,
"I never died" said he.



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